Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Yes, another amazing day at the zoo!

I know that I write lots of posts about the zoo. We go there lots. Its fun, we have a year pass, and Olivia loves animals.

Sunday's trip was no exception. We got there and Olivia wanted to immediately ride the little train.
Olivia wanted to see all the baby animals too. Of course, our favorite is the baby elephant, still.
But the new baby gorilla is a close second.
This little statue Olivia was really intrigued by...I am thinking she was wondering what these kids were doing, eating ice cream? Or playing pat-a-cake?
The hippos are also one of Olivia's favorites. She likes that they make BIG splashes when they go in the water.
A little run around time with Daddy is always fun.
But the real hit of the day was when we were in the African Savannah and I said, "Where are the giraffes?" We kept walking and saw them in the little fenced in area. There was Richard, the baby giraffe, and his mother and they were being fed. Better yet, they were letting visitors feed the giraffes. So, Olivia and Ian got in line and well, got to feed Richard carrots and leaves! Olivia was delighted! She was so thrilled she called Grandma Cheryl and Grandma Marj to tell them about the fun.
And finally we had to feed the ducks. They weren't really hungry but we tried anyway.
The day was great, I know why we spend so much time there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That picture with O and the statue of the kids is priceless. Personally, I'd say that one of them is trying to b-tch slap the other for taking a lick of the cone, but that's just my take on it.

Great recap of the day, and it looks like a lot of fun.