Monday, August 28, 2006

Visit to Arkansas

We had a nice visit with Family and friends in Arkansas last week. The Giesecke's were there too so it was the first time Olivia got to meet her cousins and aunt and uncle. Sebastian although only 4 1/2 months almost weighs as much as Olivia but he is still a little baby. This is Sebastian and Max playing on the floor...

Olivia got to hang out at Grandpa's Restaurant and have lunch with Granna and her uncles Marco and Mario.
Oh, and we can't forget that she has mastered the stairs at Grandmama's house.

And when she saw Max having a little snack, she needed one too.

Olivia is a busy little one - on the brink of being a toddler! She was pulling up on everything in sight and pushing the coffee table around as a walker.

And sometimes hiding under it!

We tried to get a picture of the babies with Grandpa on the couch but the wiggles got the best of them both and well, Grandpa looks happy right in the middle!!

A good time was had by all! We can't wait until we can visit again.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Some new pics to share:

Olivia reading the Sunday flyers.

She made it! Crawled to the top of the stairs!

8 months old and sitting pretty in the big chair...

But not for long!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Growing up

Peek a boo is a fun game. Especially after naptime. Olivia is now standing up in her crib and looling out for me to come and get her once she is awake. It is the cutest thing to see her there looking out. For one thing, I can't believe how much she has grown! She looks so tall and chubby standing there. I think somedays she grows just in the time she is sleeping at naptime. It is a wonderful feeling to see the look on her face when I come into her room, she just lights up. And she gives Ian that same look when he gets home from work. She is a sweet HART!

Olivia was 8 months old yesterday. I finally got a picture that shows her 2 teeth on the bottom there. This is in the tub having a grand ol time. She has graduated to the big tub and loves it in there.Just like a little fish.