Sunday, June 25, 2006

It is finally summer here in Calgary!!! Thank goodness. We have been waiting through the rain and clouds and today the sun was shining! Yea!

The summer weather has allowed Olivia to wear her fashionable summer wardrobe that many people have contributed to. I love the little "romper" outfits, they really show off her cute little fat thighs!

Olivia enjoyed it so much she refused to go down for her nap. So, we decided to hve her take a little dip in the pool. She loved it! Mostly she loved the little floaty butterfly and ladybugs, as you can see. Lil Rascal liked it too, he thought it was a giant water dish and took a few sips here and there.

She is sporting her little baby bikini with little hearts on it! It is so adorable, as you can imagine!!!
More fun in the sun to follow!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Fun in the sun. On Father's Day we had a little BBQ for family and friends. Olivia and Trystan enjoyed sitting in the grass playing for a while. This one looks like they are holding hands, some of the other pictures included a Lil Rascal blur and Olivia with Trystan's entire leg in her hand! This one is obviously the best pic! Can't wait to see them in the little baby pool when the weather warms up.

Olivia also got to finally meet her cousin Garrett from Boise, ID and she seems to think he is pretty cute. I think he thought she was pretty cute too!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


I thought I better sneak down here and post a little message to Olivia's Daddy on Father's Day.

A long time ago, Ian said he just couldn't see himself with kids and wasn't sure about the baby thing. When we found out we were pregnant, that all changed...and you should see him now. His face lights up at just the thought of his little angel and he loves every minute of being a daddy. I have never heard him complain, even at a diaper change!

He remains in such awe as she does new things, and he loves to make her laugh. I know he can't imagine what his life would be like with out her!

So, Happy Father's Day to Olivia's Daddy - I love you, Ian.

(Of course, he is a great Daddy to Lil Rascal too!)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What's for dessert?

Sometimes dessert doesn't go quite right. So our saying has become "when in doubt make trifle"...but BABY TRIFLE? It was a chance too cute to pass up for Ian as supper was being cleaned up and there was the trifle bowl, just sitting there empty. I mean where else should we sit the baby? And of course this counts as one of our many stupid parent tricks. The great thing is Olivia seems to really enjoy it or well, not complain. She's probably thinking, "what have they got me into now??"

I suppose thats why they have the BUMBO chair, so parents don't put their babies in trifle bowls!!

Bunnies... Bunnies...... Bunnies

Comfy bathrobe

Friday, June 09, 2006

Sitting up by herself now

Before bathtime is her playtime on the bed. She now sits up by herself and seems to like having her picture taken more now.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

It is unbelievable that Olivia is 6 months old today. How she is growing so fast! She had her shots today to celebrate. Olivia weighed in at exactly 16 pounds and she is 25 1/2 inches long. ( I think she is going through a growth spurt right now because she is eating lots and being a bit fussy.)

A baby growing up is a hard thing for mommies to see especially when she is out growing her clothes, that are so cute, so fast. So, the picture above is of Olivia in her pink jeans, which I LOVE, and she is wearing them for the last time. Her little thunder thighs are too big! (hee hee) The bonus about the growing is that I just get to shop for more pink jeans!!!

6 Months Old Today

Getting ready for Summer with a new pool. Complete with palm tree. She also got a Leap Pad so she can read along with stories and music and non ripping pages (I'm that will get tested)