Friday, February 29, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

Although the initial leaving - mommy crying at little Olivia crying at mommy leaving at the airport - my first trip away from both Olivia and Ian turned out to be really fun! And we all survived! Even better.

Off to Vegas I went for an amazing food and catering show - trade show and classes the whole shebang - a little shopping, a few shows and a great visit with my Daddy!

Meanwhile, I think that main thing we realized was that Vegas rocks! Unbelievable casinos, gorgeous art, architecture, amazing food and well, lets not forget the shopping. Of course, I can't afford to BUY anything at GUCCI, PRADA, FENDI, JIMMY CHOO, DIOR, D&G, etc. but lucky for us there were the Premium Las Vegas Outlets. That did the trick and we had a nice shopping experience. Meanwhile, right, the slots...well, I wasn't that keen on gambling or gaming as they call it there but Daddy was really good at it. He didn't lose money at any of the casinos except I think the Palazzo and we decided that was reason to come back so he could get their money too.

We did get to see on of the Cirque de Sole shows and it was amazing, we also went to see a drag show that was hilarious. And our first night there we ate at CarneVino by Mario Batalli. Very yummy, upscale you can bet wtih a $4000.00 bottle of Vino. We didn't get that one but the one we did was pretty tasty. I believe now that everyone should experience Las Vegas for themselves, it is FABULOUS!!!

And now a few pics...

Our Hotel and Casino where we stayed, the RIVERA.

Inside the VENETIAN, the Grand Canal Shoppes.

Outside at the VENETIAN, like Piazza San Marco.

Mosaic tile floor at the WYNN, definitely the most elegant Hotel/Casino.

Parasol Chandeliers at the WYNN.

Part of the Old Vegas, now making room for more of the new Vegas!

I could go on and on, but these are the best pictures, if you want to see more, you need to go there for yourself!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Melting snow and outside fun YEA!

The weather has finally been nice enough for us to get outside. And Olivia loves it outside. We went to Wal-Mart this morning and bought Olivia a new pair of rubber boots to splash in the puddles. She wore them home and couldn't wait to get out to the park. It was also sunny enough that she had to wear her sunglasses. Lets hope she likes wearing them all summer too!

Just a few pics from the day...

I wish this nice weather meant that spring is on the way, but I have been here long enough, its just a tease!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

La Principessa

"Smile for Mommy!" Too funny!

"No, I sit here and read to MY baby, MY hippo"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Olivia has a Valentine's Party at school tomorrow so she got things ready by helping mommy decorate some cookies. I think they will be a big hit, Olivia loved - as usual - eating the icing and sprinkles. Rascal benefited from the decorating too, there were lots that fell on the floor.

So, here is Olivia in the kitchen sporting her apron and her infamous princess crown that gets worn whenever, and tonight even was placed at the dinner table with her pasta bowl in the center of it!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snow Days Snow Days

Could it PLEASE stop being so cold and snowy?

Olivia likes the snow when she can actually get out in it. This is Olivia helping Daddy shovel the sidewalk, I think she is really getting the hang of it.
This weekend it has been WAY to cold to go outside so Olivia played in her indoor igloo with Grandma Marj and had a little tea party too.

We shall see what the rest of the weekend will bring lets hope warmer outside play in the snow weather.