Saturday, January 28, 2006

Kristin and Sandra visit

More cousins come to visit. They
took turns holding their new cousin.
They looked pretty comfortable with her. Hey maybe we can talk them into babysitting sometime? May have to be soon as Sandra is moving to Ottawa this year.

8 weeks old today

I'm just trying it out for size right now. I think it will do.

Friday, January 20, 2006

After friday night bathtime, Olivia gets a thorough inspection to make sure all is ok. I think she passed.
Auntie Pat takes a break from Dinner prep to entertain olivia. She seems to have found a comfotable spot.

Olivia helps Uncle Phil celebrate his 47th birthday. Actually if the truth be known , he was passing her between Grampa and Auntie Pat. The cameraman had to be fast to catch this one.

Finally back in Calgary, Grampa Bob gets a chance to hold Olivia who finds it a nice and comfortable place to sleep.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Olivia goes to Arkansas.

Sadly, her first trip to Jonesboro was because of the passing of Felicia's grandmother, Martha Wall.

It was unfortunate that she did not get to meet Olivia, but she did see pictures of her and knew who she was.

After Olivia's Doctor appt. on Tues Jan 9, and a quick stop at Inglewood to say "HI", we headed for the airport to fly to Memphis where we were greeted by Sara, and almost made it to Joneboro, except for a quick feeding stop. This was the only real fussing that she did the whole way. She can scream pretty good when she gets going.

We were able to visit with many family and friends.

Grampa got to meet his new grand daughter. Earlier in the week, Olivia had her first visit to the resaurant.

Before we head to the airport in Memphis for the trip back to calgary, Piero, Sara, Marco and Mario come by for a photo op.

Cheryl found a scale that weighes Olivia in at almost 10 lbs. This scale has been in the family to weigh Martha, Cheryl, Janet, Stephanie, Felicia, Kyle, Max, and now Olivia.
Next in line will be Stephanie's soon to be born, baby boy.

Leslie, Mayes and Jack visit from Little Rock.

Visitors from Memphis come to Cheryl's house.

Leonard, Lisy, Audrey and Edward McKinnon.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Hey Momma I'm 5 weeks old today!!!

The Grandmothers take their turn

Grandmother Hart was also on hand to welcome Olivia.
Grand mamma Cheryl was up from Jonesboro to check out her new grand daughter.

First bath

Have to get her used to the water. You never know, ther may be another diver in the family someday.

Rascal and Olivia

Many people have asked if Rascal is ok with someone else in the house. Well he sems to be ok with it. Usually he just comes up and sniffs her head , then goes back, but he does make sure that he still has a spot on the bed at night. I think He will be protective of her. He is pretty furosious after all.

Feeding time

We have alot of pictures at the feeding station. I guess that is because, well, she spends alot of time there. Not sure if this is before or after, or just taking a breather during.

I think she is full

This is usually the end result of feeding time. I think she is full. Well for an hour or so anyway.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Yup, another Olivia picture

Yes she is well fed in case anyone is worried about her fading away. We tried tonight to figure out who weighs more, Olivia or Rascal. Olivia get weighed next week, so we will find out for sure since our method was for me to hold Rascal in one hand and Olivia in the other. Rascal is about 11 lbs and they felt pretty close to me but I think he still has a pound or 2 on her ...for now.

You are mainly going to see Olivia pictures here on this blog.. surprise ,surprise.

So far I (Ian)have been the only one to add postings here, I'm sure Felicia will get into it and add her comentaries. I won a new camera so we'll see how many pictures we can stuff onto this blog.
This is the "IAN" version of the Baby bjorn

The new Boss of the house (not Felicia)

Wearing her Winnie the pooh jacket with the little ears, from her auntie Pat in her bouncy chair while watching (letting) us eat dinner.

Christmas 2005 photo