Thursday, November 01, 2007

Party fun and trick or treating

Halloween was a great success. Olivia had lots of fun. They had a party at daycare - everyone dressed up and when I got there they were dancing to ABBA.
Olivia was a happy little lady bug...waiting for the "city bus".
Then there was the anticipation of the trick or treating, looking for the kids!!
Then it was time to go...she trick or treated with her friend Charlotte...
and then it was Daddy lets go...And lets don't forget the prize at the end, eating the goods. She didn't go for the chocolate, she didn't go for the suckers, or even the m&m's, she went for and LOVED the Nacho Cheese Doritos!!! How funny. Rascal wanted his share, but there were no carrots so he just had to wait til we made into the kitchen for his treat.
This was so fun, we have lots of pictures, of course here are just a few more.

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