Friday, November 16, 2007


Ugh, is all I can say. Olivia hasn't been feeling well for about a week now. She went to school on Tuesday and they said she just wasn't herself, she only ate one sausage and NO pancakes for lunch. Wednesday we tried again but when I called to check how she was doing, they said she was outside laying on the playground crying!! I went to get her and she looked so sad. We had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon and she said she has croup! CROUP! With that barking cough and a little fever by then, she was not her usual cheerful self.

I thought this was a "desease" of the past or just for all the babies in the movies, but no, it is real and it sucks! Olivia has been just miserable to the point of crying and making herself worse. "Nooo" means "yes" and "yes" means, "leave me alone mommy". Mommy is on the verge of losing her mind, however we have been doing a few things to keep ourselves occupied in the awake hours.
This is Olivia going outside for some cold air to help her breathe, you can see that she is not so sure this is what she wants to do. Although, mommy does have her completely color coordinated!!
I deciede some painting would be a great way to occupy both of us, after all its in our blood to enjoy the fine arts. The progression of this is hilarious just see for yourself...

The final product. A work or art! Luckily baths have been a lifesaver during this time too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww, poor thing! (And poor mommy and daddy too.) The painting montage is very cute, although I can imagine the feeling you must have had as O began painting herself. Argh.