Monday, May 12, 2008

Thomas the Train

We were so lucky to get tickets for the "Day out with Thomas" here in Calgary. I wasn't sure what Olivia would think of it all. Leading up to the big day, she would say, "we going to see Thomas? Yep." So, I figured she was excited about it.

The first sighting, I think I was more excited than Olivia, she was more in awe.
Then we actually got to ride on the train. The rumor was to sit on the caboose so that we would be able to see Thomas actually pulling the train. So that was cool.
Then we got up close and personal! This was so much fun, really! We took like a thousand pictures!
Then there were activities...running through the maze...
getting a Thomas tattoo...
pictures with Sir Topum Hat...

face painting!!! So very fun, who is having more fun here Mommy or Olivia?

Next came the carousal ride...
and the jumpy thing.
It was definitely a fun filled day. The weather was finally nice enough to be outside and enjoy the day. We finished off with a nice Mother's Day brunch at the park where all this was taking place. Olivia and her friend Trystan were tired after but still wanted their picture taken under the moose!
Olivia made it home before falling asleep and slept a good 2 hours in her bed with her little pink kitty cat face. I was thinking she wouldn't ever want to take it off, but she did because the baby sitter did it instead of mommy that night!


Unknown said...

That looks like a really fun day. Now, on an unrelated note..I think we really do have to go shopping together. We have similar tastes, I think. Those sunglasses of yours look almost exactly like the pair I recently splurged on, the black shoes with criss-cross straps are ones I've had on my list to get, and I just loved that pick coat too! Can I raid your closet?


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