Sunday, June 24, 2007

A weeks worth of fun

This has been a busy week - so much going on along with our regular everyday stuff. Olivia has been experiencing some outbursts of will if you may. But that is much better know as TEMPER TANTRUMS!!! However we seemed to have solved some of the problem buy giving her a snack BEFORE we go to the park so that when its time to leave and come home for supper, its not so tough. Its been working so far. We aren't sure where on earth she gets this temper of hers. ha ha. I think Ian said, "if she has some of your temper and some of mine, we are ok. But if she got ALL of mine and ALL of yours we better watch out!"

All that aside our sweet little angel has been having lots of fun...
Minigo yogurts are the greatest - especially when you can make a big mess with them!

Olivia decided to help out the watering of the yard but ended up watering herself more than anything.
Cooking supper with mommy in her new shoes from Grandma and Papa. She HAS to wear her yellow shoes everywhere.
Look Mommy, I can crawl up on the table. What a ham.
So, who did it? They both say not me...
Of course it was Rascal...this time.Peek-a-boo, I colored on my face! (and my hands, and my shirt and under my shirt on my tummy...)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Apparently, Mina and Olivia have similar taste in clothes. She has the same Gymboree romper with the little bow. I just love their stuff!