Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

This weekend we spent down in Fort Macleod. We had a really good time with Ian's family. At some point we were all there minus Kalen and she was missed. But we did have a really good time. Olivia played and played and was just so busy.

In this picture, she was wiped out even before we got there - the car trip put her right to sleep. And of course, we couldn't leave "Baby" and "Mr. Monkey" behind - they helped with sleeping arrangements.
Grandma and Papa even set up a little toy kitchen for Olivia in the basement, filled with little cups and saucers. She really enjoyed making tea for us all in the microwave.
Then we played outside a little - as you can see - and Olivia decided to share her snacks with Rascal.
We decided to get some use out of that Halloween Costume of Olivia's and surprise Grandma and Papa with a little bunny of our own. Of course the other Easter Bunny arrived with eggs filled with goldfish crackers and teddy grahms, stuffed bunnies, little people toys and all.
Olivia loved looking for the eggs with the help from Daddy and Rascal. But it was tiring and a lot of hard work for our little bunny.

Then we got all dolled up for church and a family portrait - finally - when we all looked good and pulled together.
We had a great weekend. It was fun and totally exhausting. Olivia was already in bed tonight at 6:30 and I have to say, I don't think we will be far behind!

Again, Happy Easter and Happy Spring!!! YEAH!!!


The Wilson Family said...

Hi Felicia,

Looks like you guys had a nice Easter. Olivia looked pretty cute in her bunny costume. I'm surprised it still fit!
Give us a call soon and maybe you guys can come out for a visit and to see the new house. Talk to you soon, Lesley.

Anonymous said...

Great family portrait. Olivia is so adorable, especially as a rabbit.

Unknown said...

That really is a nice family portrait, and you make it look so effortless.

Was amused to see Olivia has a "Mr. Monkey," as we are big fans of the cuddlies in this house.

great bunny costume. Now, have you seen "A Christmas Story" yet? I'm sure Olivia won't recall her bunny suit the way Ralphie did.

great pics.