Sunday, August 10, 2008

Finally, another post

Again, it has been a long time since I have updated the blog. Meanwhile, we have been busy and I think we have forgotten to take pictures for a while too!!! Can you believe it?

Olivia is growing like a weed. She is 36" tall, we measured her today. And I think it is suffice to say that she is experiencing some of that independence that comes with this age, also known as the "terrible twos"!!!!!!!! At times, she is sweet as pie and then without warning, it changes. Challenging? Yes, but we are learning how to get through it.

So I have a little montage of pictures to post, some of Olivia being silly in the back yard and others from our day at Heritage Park. Grandmama Cheryl is here visiting so Olivia is loving having her here to play with and tell things too, and she has soooo much to tell!

The other morning Olivia decided she wanted to wear her snow suit out in the back yard...whatever, right? At least the mornings are cool. She eventually said she was too hot and took it off, thank goodness. Today, she wanted to wear her ladybug Halloween costume, so she wore that for awhile too (I didn't catch that on film).
We also have to show off our big crop of strawberries, all 6! (Olivia ate the one missing) At least we got to them before rabbits. Heritage Park is a historical town with old-timey people and places, lots of fun and lots to see and do. It is Calgary from the past, with a little old church, town, train, boat, farmhouse, windmill...well, you get the gist...

Finally, after so much fun, and a really long and hot day, Olivia didn't even make it out of the parking lot!
That's it for now!